Friday, March 11, 2011

42 Days more

So, its finally sunk in
I have 42 more days till I officially become Mrs. Love ...S... :)
I am very excited actually.
My fiance and I have decided to commit the whole planning to God and with the help of family and friends we have things in motion.

Event coordinator - Creations for sure - website coming soon
Dress: check - Bridals by Lori -
Cake - check - German bakery in stone mountain, Ga
Photograpy and video - check-
Caterer- checkReception Hall -check

ok you get the point... I am super excited!!!!

My A-team consisting of my event cordinator, my best friends and my mother have been incredible but most incredible of them all has been the boo... we have our days... boy do we ever, but lately he is trying extra hard to keep peace for the rest of the 42 days and has assured a drama free process. I am super grateful to God!!!

The only hiccup in this wedding process is the traditional portion...omg its so exhausting!!!!. I mean as I type this, 42 days to my wedding, my traditional clothes are just being "cut". Not made! Not to mention I have no clue how the clothes are getting back to me here in the states. I mean besides taking like a month to find a RELIABLE person to just buy the materials!!! uurgghhh!!

Lets not even because to discuss the expense associated with buying "indian george"  and "french lace". But by the special grace of God, it will all come together!!!  Maybe later Ill show you the fabrics ... :)

My intention was to share the details of my wedding on this blog to show my life as a testimony, so stay tuned for the testimonies cuz they are PLENTY!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rage against the machine

"be angry.. but sin not"
This past weekend I got angry to the point of no return. If I could get one of those  amusement park gifts for hitting the pin and making it go all the way to the top using my anger I would win a HUGE teddy bear and probably break the game. I said something and did some things that I regret.

Now I feel guilty and I have one more thing to add to my list of regrets.

So people when God said in His word that we can "be angry,  but sin not" He knew exactly what he was talking about.

How did I get to the point of no return? Frustration with life, love, finances, work, school and so on and so forth. Smiling on the outside while crying on the inside. Caring so much for those around me that I didn't want to show your hurt, pain or anger.  Its been working for me, but I guess trying to plan a wedding while having all this pinned up emotions is not a good idea. The worse part is I pray everyday, I work out often, so how did this rage build up so much? I dont know!!!!

*********Is there an I-phone app for mending a broken hearts?***************

Unlike my other posts, I really dont have any suggestions as to overcoming this feeling because I am still in shock. I never thought that person could ever be me. The worse part is all the things that led me to that point are still there so does that mean it will happen again? My fear: I dont know.

I am just tired and feel the need for a vacation. The thing about vacations though, you have to return.
Wish I was a professor or something. I would take a 2-months sabbatical and go to Zimbabwe and continue my missions work where I left of 10 years ago.

I guess the only thing that keeps me sane is knowing that God has forgiven me and so I have to forgive myself. If the person who my actions were taken against forgives me, that would be a plus, but I doubt that will happen.

So.. If you are angry, frustrated, bitter, depressed or anything try to let someone know ASAP because you will never know when you will just SNAP!!!!

My other piece of advice: in everything, TRY to let go and Let God!!!