I think the title sums it all up!! I have heard that phrase over an over again and I realize more and more how true it is.
I was driving to work this morning after and I was trying to pray and I realized that I was getting distracted really easily. I could not for the life of me just stay focused on my prayer. Everyday I dash out of the house, "say a prayer" and expect my day to just be filled with some special annointing. Thats insane!!!
Its not, I realized (have this realization quiet often) that God is not google, I can't just call Him up, type in my question, complaint, or dress color and expect an array of answers. God wants a relationship, and I have had the hardest time giving Him that!!!!
What are some reasons you might not have a relationship with God? Well for me, sometimes He just doesnt seem real, you know? Because He is not physically here. But what about the many times He was revealed Himself to me. I mean what about the times when I have gotten on my knees and I have said "God, I want to go to Morrocco on a missions trip and I dont have a dime, so please provide everything" and He does.
Ok that may have been coincidental, I mean afterall it is a missions trip, church members will raise the money for you...
Then there was my trip to Nigeria where after spending 3 weeks in Nigeria I came back with money, all you NIgerians know thats a miracle.. not to mention how much people blessed me when I was leaving.
I guess all I am really trying to say is... If you have been in the same spot in different aspects in your life, try something different. If you are not hearing from God, try fasting, prayer and reading the word...consistently. If that isnt working, try having your own personal communion with God. Dont give up and definitely dont continue to do the same thing you have been doing if its not working.
If you get angry easily or have road rage, like me, dont drive, ok I am just kidding, but seriously, if you continue to yell, curse and do all those nonsense things, does is change the situation? NO!!! matter of fact it makes it worse. So try something new!! Try leaving for where ever you are going 10 minutes earlier so when grandma is going 10 mph below the speed limit, you know you have a 10 minute cushion. I know its easier said than done but I have tried it, it works. You wont change over night, but you will definitely see progress.
Well thats all I wanted to share.